Little Elvis 7b Franchard Isatis

slightly overhanging
  • Average rating
  • 3.7 Stars
  • (30 total)
  • Given grades
  • 7b: 54.8%
  • (31 total)
7b Le Breton............ - Anonymous (19-04-2008 00:26)
The difference - Anonymous (17-04-2008 20:15)
Prise de position is a little more to the left and a little easier.
Just left of prow: Prise de Position
On prow: Little Elvis
Just right of prow: Elvis.

The problems are very close to each other: Little Elvis combines the right holds of Prise de Position and the left holds of Elvis...
Différence?? - Anonymous (17-04-2008 19:56)
Quelle est la différence entre Prise de Position et Little Elvis ?
Thanx for the info - Anonymous (17-04-2008 22:17)
Will check it out one of these weekends.