Dark Room 7a+ 7b Buthiers Tennis

surplomb, départ assis
  • Appréciation
  • 4,1 Étoiles
  • (152 au total)
  • Évaluation
  • 7a+: 68,4%
  • (158 au total)
Grimpeur : Nicolas Mousty Auteur : Jean Barrère
Grimpeur : Joris Robyn
Bienvenue chez nous ! - hotherav (18-10-2010 23:40)
Les prises ont été vandalisées à coup de marteau avec quelques autres voies du secteur. Acte incompréhensible qui semblait avoir été inaperçu jusqu'à là. Ce qui est aussi incompréhensif, c'est la laideur des passerelles qui traversent le site et le saccage qui en coûte pour les construire et cela dans différence la plus total et au mépris du bon sens. Ça craint de par chez nous !
And... - Pascal (19-10-2010 08:53)
Not a word about the giant staircase built by "la base"?

Also, chalk on the boulders and white lines everywhere are a pollution, it shames me too...
Joke - Pascal (19-10-2010 20:18)
Try to take it with a rolling-chair, even with a montain-bike (uphill)!!!
Et aussi... - Pascal (19-10-2010 20:20)
François, envoie donc la photo de l'escalier, qu'il voie qu'il est au milieu des blocs et que c'est un défi à l'handisport.
Dac mais j'envoie à qui ? - pl (19-10-2010 20:56)
dark room-boulder - Anonymous (18-10-2010 14:21)
Several holds have become extremely sandy. It is almost no longer possible to climb the boulder.
Prises cassées - Yesman (18-10-2010 14:38)
The good holds on the ledge before the dyno were found broken about a year ago. This happens when people climb when its wet, especially in the softer southern areas. It will take some time before the holds are solidified naturally.
i agree - Anonymous (19-10-2010 00:27)
I live in buthiers and it shames me to go climb in the area, broken glass, chipped holds and the base seems to be able to build werever they like

dark room is an amizing problem which is now distroyed, and many other nice problems are going the same way.

people seem to think its quick drying here but it is not, just a little respect goes a long way
Dont exaggerate, please - Non, man! (19-10-2010 10:40)

The giant staircase is built for handicapped people. You are lucky to be healthy enough to go climbing. And there are no blocs in that area.
Too much chalk is a problem, but democracy comes with a prize.
However, not everyone is aware of how fragile the rock is when wet.
Now they should be.
The chipping, if it's really true, is such a marginal form of extremisme (like terrorisme), there's really nothing to say or do about it.