Carnazina 7b+ Bas Cuvier

  • Appréciation
  • 4,1 Étoiles
  • (115 au total)
  • Évaluation
  • 7b+: 83,1%
  • (124 au total)
  • Répétitions publiques
  • 20-09-2024: Gilles R
  • (121 au total)
Grimpeur : Filip Notebaert
Caranazina"ge" - Anonymous (05-11-2006 22:40)

sans doute que nous sommes là dans l'ordre du jeu, mais voila y a t'il un nom pour faire le meme depart que carnazina en sortant dans la berez? Juste a titre d'info. Voila si vous savez un truc.
Carnazina - Anonymous (06-11-2006 13:47)
Carnazina sortie dans berez s'apelle carnazina sortie berez tout simplement.
C'est d'une logique limpide comme de la Volvic.

ca vaux quoi - bibi (27-11-2007 20:51)
carnazina assis ca vaut combien?
Carnazina Assis - Anonymous (28-11-2007 17:48)
Je dirais 7c
did it smoking and "pieds nus" - Anonymous (31-01-2009 01:54)
should it be graded... Really, some years ago we've made a lot of joke, you've never invent anything especially in cuvier, OK !
Carnazina - Enzo Nahumury (22-08-2004 00:15)
What is the method for carnazina? According to the topo 7+8, you must finish in Berezina, but the description on this site says you have to finish in Carnage?? What is the right method?
You must finish on carnage - (22-08-2004 16:33)
You must finish in carnage, when you get the last slopper on berezina, eitehr you get the left hand crimps on carnage then the right hand slopper of carnage and jump on the top OR you get the right hand slopper of carnage with left hand put a right foot toe hook and cross with the right hand on the top of carnage. The second method is little easier but very scarry

best regards
Au plus - Sam Etégal (28-11-2007 00:56)
Environ 7c bien tassé mais franchement le départ assis ne rajoute pas grand grand chose.
C'est juste un avis
sit start - Anonymous (27-01-2009 15:31)
I did this from sitting, is it actually a problem, or should it be, It doeas not really add anything to the grade, still 7b but nice

wrong - Anonymous (31-01-2009 15:55)
I never said i invented anything, nor a new problem, i just asked if it should have a grade, since every other elliminate on the bloc has a seperate grade.

OK !
7+8 description - Anonymous (03-03-2010 17:01)
There is a confusement between the descriprion here and in 7+8 guide where the exit is directly via Berezina and not getting back to Carnage. I did it the way it's desribed in 7+8 and this method I find a bit easier than 7B+ more likely like 7B.
i agree - Anonymous (03-03-2010 19:46)
Its easier to exit in carnage, easier than carnage itself, 7b for sure, exit out in berenzina is a touch harder but not much, still fun problem however you finish it