toit, fissure
  • Appréciation
  • 4,6 Étoiles
  • (42 au total)
  • Évaluation
  • 7c: 73,8%
  • (42 au total)
  • Répétitions publiques
  • 02-03-2025: Cédric Morel
  • (36 au total)
Grimpeur : Aurélien Sassier Auteur : David Evrard
Grimpeur : imbertie theo
Location ?? - tivukath (01-07-2010 23:42)
Hi Neil,

how did you find that boulder ? I\'ve tried many times without any success. From \"Serenite\" could you indicate which route to follow ?

PS : Each time many \"sangliers\" told me : \"fais demi-tour gars, ici c\'est notre domaine, rentre chez toi, ça vaudra mieux...\" ce que j\'ai fait !!!
friable !!!!!! - Anonymous (29-06-2010 20:35)
I did this route today, what an amazing boulder, but I have to point out that the start hold is very loose, also the hold on the lip that you jump too was a little loose and sounded very hollow

so my advise, it such a nice climb that it would be a shame for it to get wrecked, dont climb if there is any moisture on the holds :)

hi - Anonymous (02-07-2010 00:24)
you take the route rumont were, you go left to serenite dont, carry on for 400 meters, after 200 meters you will see loads of bouldrs on your left, pass them, then the trees get thicker pass these, then this time of year you come to to the ferns, they are tall at the moment, but there is a very clear path going into them, follow this path to the top of the hill were you will find the boulder on your left, its actually pretty easy to find, i missed it first time but only because i did not go up the hill enough

hope this is ok and good luck finding it
